International Conference for Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine
24th thru to the 28th of February 2020 in Boracay, PhilippinesHere’s a look-back to our our first International Conference for Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine from Monday 24 to Friday 28 February 2020 on one of Asia’s most beautiful holiday island Boracay in the Philippines. 2-full days of major conference at The Lind Hotel followed by 2 days of deep-dives at The District Hotel. Participants from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines & Germany all contributed to making the event a memorable one. We look forward to planning the next set of seminars.

Dr. med. Martin Landenberger
Munich, Germany
Specialist in General Medicine (Natural Medicine, Homeopathy, Certified Trainer for Natural Medicine, Sport Medicine, Chiro Theraphy, Neuraltherapy, Detox- Chelat complementary Cancer Therapie). Chairman of Gesellschaft für Bioimmuntherapie und Mikronutrition e.V. and Medical DIrector of Academy of Bioimmunetherapy in Munich.
Complementary cancer therapy: Use of amino acid and minerals infusions such as Curcurmin, Resveratrol, etc.
While patients with cancer sometimes trust good therapeutic concepts that are believed to be beneficial, we complementary doctors have to question the meaningfulness of a chosen therapy.
Individual therapy can vary from person to person and from the same type of cancer. In addition to conventional and complementary proven therapy patterns, there is also the possibility of an individual, personalized sensitivity test: on fresh tumor material, on circulating tumor cells (CTC), on tumor tissue fixed in formalin or possibly on tumor gene expressions. The clinically proven concepts (also complementary) can thus be personalized, which is particularly important for relapses and metastases with changed responsiveness.
The combined therapy from conventional measures with naturopathy is advantageous for several reasons, including reduction of the side effects of e.g. chemotherapy, breakthrough of chemoresistance and greater responsiveness of effectiveness through pleiotrophic effects.
Complementary treatment include use of Curcurmin, Resveratrol, EGCG, Artesuant, Apigenin, 6Shogaol as well as DCA, DMSO, high dose Vitamin C, thymus extract, adrenal medulla / bark extracts, hyperthermia, Homeopathy.
Diagnostics in complementary medicine; Introduction to auto-immune diseases and detox
Diverse diagnostics used in complementary medicine from laboratory tests through to personal questionnaires to allow individualized treatment for patients.
The cause of auto-immune disease in combination with our immune system and detox concept will be reviewed and diagnostic and therapeutic tools presented, including discussion of neuro-humoral-hormonal levels, serum levels of D3 calcidiol and calcitriol, thyroid gland hormones as well as MAK/ autoimmune markers (so called sexual hormones estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and the stress hormones adrenaline, cortisole and serotonine).
Detox of metals (chelation) and environmental toxics as treatment for auto-immune diseases.

Heinz Huber
Horbs, Germany
Clinical training in internal medicine, surgery, anaesthesia, psychosomatics, more than 15 years as an emergency physician. Additional expertise in psychotherapy, homeopathy, neural therapy and palloative medicine.
Therapy Focus: Specialized in healing through homeopathy in combination with psychological care, full nutrition and an optimization of the personal environment.
Studied medicine at the University of Freiburg. Foundation and management of the „Ärztliches Zentrum für Klassische Homöopathie“ (ZKH) in Stuttgart, the Hahnemann-Klinik Bad Imnau. Published „Heinz Huber: Datenammlung in der homöopathischen Praxis. In: AHZ 03/2008, S. 132-138“ .
Cancer- what now, what to do? Homeopathic and integrative treatment options burnout Lust or frustration? Love and sexuality, a lifelong learning process
Homeopathic and integrative treatment options Cancerpatients often fall into a state of despair, dread, and hopelessness following cancer diagnosis. Added to this is the massive pressure from doctors, relatives and friends to initiate treatment as soon as possible. Decisions under this enormous psychological pressure situation are often not easy. It makes sense to catch the patient first in his fear and despair, to offer him correct information from all sides about his illness and the therapeutic possibilities.Especially after or concomitant with a severely onerous acute conventional medical cancer therapy, it often makes sense to start a classical homeopathic treatment, which takes into account the mental level as well as specifically affects the tumor and the body’s own defense.In addition, under the homeopathic treatment side effects of necessary conventional medical measures such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are often tolerated better and less side effects. After 15 years of clinical work with cancer patients, homeopathy has established itself as the most central support in the treatment concept. Using case studies, the homeopathic possibilities and limitations are shown.

Dr. Michelle Manuel, FPDS
Manila, Philippines
Founding Chairman of iAIMs, Expert on Integrative Dermatology and Aesthetics, – PRP in DermatologyExpert.
Medicinal and Cutaneous uses of New Zealand's superfood

Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Muss, PhD
Augsburg, Germany
St Elizabeth University of Research and Social Health Bratislava SK President of I-GAP – The International Research Group of Anti-Aging Medicine.
Prof Claus Muss has completed the doctorates in Medical School Munich and Veterinary School, Berlin and his PhD in Public Health Science at St Elizabeth University, Bratislave (SK), where after habilitation he was appointed as Associate Professor. Besides his clinical activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, he is head of the world-wide networking International Research group of applied Preventive Medicine, Co-author of 7 scientific journals and over 87 own publications. .
Neurological, metabolic, cardiac, but also oncological diseases are more and more associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
Mitochondria should be subjected to functional diagnostics, especially if strongly energy-dependent tissues such as the nervous system, heart or muscles are affected, because they are essential for sufficient energy production.The mitochondrial metabolism is responsible for switching between carbohydrate and fat utilization, it is involved in apoptosis and in the synthesis of steroid hormones. Last but not least, mitochondria prevent insufficient energy supply of the brain in case of glucose deficency.The function or dysfunction of mitochondria therefore plays a central role in the development and therapy of many diseases. Mitochondrial dysfunction is therefore an elementary diagnosis of chronic diseases. Innovative mitochondrial diagnosis is therefore a special tool in the diagnosis of chronic diseases. The latest innovative Mitochondria tests from the Biovis laboratory will presented in theory and practice.

Dr. med. Ralf Oettmeier
Gais, Switzerland
Orthopaedic specialist. Homeopathy, neural therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, naturopathy, radiology of the skeleton, integrative-biological cancer medicine, partial and full-body hyperthermia, psychosomatic medicine
Dr. Oettmeier is currently Head Physician of the Alpstein Clinic in Gais, Switzerland. He has been head physician at both the “im Leben” Clinic in Greiz (the first certified hospital for biological medicine in Germany) and the Comprehensive Center for Biologic-Integrative Medicine and Dentistry at the Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland.
Therapy focus: biological cancer medicine and preventative medicine, further development of systemic procaine therapy, darkfield microscopy, quality management in biological medicine, integration of organ cell and stem cell treatment, and worldwide interdisciplinary cooperation.
Advanced neural therapy to support inner organs and functions (BIO IN2 neural therapy)
The use of Procaine for neural therapeutic applications is well known and widespread. We differentiate between local, loco-regional (segmental), ganglia techniques and finally the treatment of interfering fields. Also dysbalances, malfunctions and blockades of inner organs like thyroid gland, adrenal gland, liver, spleen and pancreas as well as lymphatic system can be improved by using neural therapy. It is possible to increase the therapeutic success by the combination of Procain, approved natural remedies and healing affirmations. In detail there are being used ampoules of homeopathic, homotoxicologic, isopathic, anthroposophical and orthomolecular medicine as additives appropriate to the organ and indication. Finally, the neural therapeutic session will be completed by individual chosen psycho-somatic affirmations belonging to the organ as well as problems from the patient. This combination brings the appreciated neural therapy together with two „IN“s which means INgredients and INformation. During the workshop the background of the method will be presented and the main techniques will be demonstrated and trained with the participants.
Adrenal and thyroid gland: basics- diseases- holistic diagnostic and therapy
As well the thyroid gland as the adrenals are involved in complex regulatory circuits of the body’s hormone, energy and stress metabolism. Based on anatomy, physiology and pathology essential basics are conveyed and arranged in the holistic context. In the foreground of the seminar is the teaching of naturopathic knowledge about the most important diagnostic measures for the detection of dysfunctions (terrain diagnostics, laboratory, Biothermology, diagnostic imaging) and the derived therapeutic consequences (naturopathic medicines, neural therapy, orthomolecular medicine). Special attention is given to „modern“ diseases such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, adrenal insufficiency, weaknesses of the anabolic hormone axis (DHEA) and fatigue syndrome. The inclusion of environmental medicine aspects and bioidentical hormone therapy plays an important role here.
Practice of systemic Procain/ProcCluster® Therapy (orally and parenterally administration)
The neural therapy surgeries are more and more contemplated with complicated, complex, systemic and obviously untreatable diseases (like auto-immune, neuro-degenerative, inflammatory diagnosis). But by using the appreciated principles of neural therapeutic diagnosis and treatment, the knowledge about the nerval system and its complex interconnections it is possible also in such cases to help beneficially.
One approved instrument represents the infusion. The Procain infusion found many adherents to treat chronic pain, inflammation, rheumatism and many fields more. The background and experiences with this method will be demonstrated during the workshop. But the former recommended high amount of alkaline substance (Na-bicarbonate) and the danger of inducing metabolic alkalosis as well as the often too short period of action were reasons to motivate the search for improvements. The first step in this direction was the development of ProcCluster®, an active ingredient-optimized prodrug of Procain, which has amphiphilic features to take full effects on targets and membranes. At next it was successful to convert the ProcCluster® salt into a stabile form. So actually the ProcCluster® solution is available for injection and infusion by the use of self-manufacturing system . The workshop will illustrate the practice by using many case studies.
Phytopharmaceuticals: The TOP healing herbs for medical use
Many medicinal plants are rooted in traditional folk medicine and are often used as teas, ointment additives, tinctures and compresses. Some even gained importance in homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. A manageable amount unfolds not only a certain effect, but diverse healing-impulsive effects. These so-called polycrests of medicinal plants are the focus of the seminar. It is reported on their history, botany, important ingredients as well as main applications. The areas of defense enhancement, wound healing, venous agents, gastrointestinal therapeutics, liver and kidney remedies, pain and rheumatism, plant hormones and finally sleep and sedation-promoting agents will be deepened. Subsequently, proven therapeutics for indigestion, for detoxification, stimulation of liver / gallbladder and kidney, for immuno-modulation, for gynecological disorders, rheumatic and allergic diseases, nervous and sleep disorders as well as cardiovascular diseases are discussed. Finally, an overview of individualized therapy in many indications will be explained.

International Conference on Integrative and Anti-Ageing Medicine from 24th thru to 28th of February, Boracay
Heinz Huber
Conference Banner
International Conference on Integrative and Anti-Ageing Medicine from 24th thru to 28th of February, Boracay
Qi Gon session
Dr. Norzita Mohd Yuzof, Heinz Huber, Carole How, Jae Hong Lee, Dr. Lianywati Batihalim
San Miguel instead of Corona
@True Food restaurant with Dr. Romeo P. Balderrama Jr. & Grace de Guia-Landenberger
Photo op
View from the conference room with Dr. med. Martin Landenberger & Grace de Guia-Landenberger